Adeine de la Noe
From a Peony, ca. 1960s
Oil on canvas
28 x 28 inches
71.1 x 71.1 cm
71.1 x 71.1 cm
Copyright The Artist
Please visit our website to view a full biography of Adeïne de La Noë, as well as exhibition catalogues, a complete inventory, and additional images.
Please visit our website to view a full biography of Adeïne de La Noë, as well as exhibition catalogues, a complete inventory, and additional images.
Provenance Adeïne de La Noë estate.The Estate of The Artist - Adeïne de La Noë estate. The Estate was purchased several years after the artist past, circa 2015, along with this painting by Ed Thomas of Taos N.M., who was a friend of the artist in the 1970s on until her passing.
This work was included in the 2018 exhibition 'Adeïne de La Noë', organized by 203 Fine Art. To view the estate catalogue for the exhibition, please copy the following link into your browser: https://issuu.com/203fineart.com/docs/adeine_de_la_noe_estate_catalogue_2This work was included in the 2018 exhibition 'Adeïne de La Noë', organized by 203 Fine Art.
'Modernism in Taos, from Dasburg to Martin' by art historian David Witt is an excellent resource for collectors interested in the Taos Moderns. The book contains information on de La Noë as well.'Modernism in Taos, from Dasburg to Martin' by art historian David Witt is an excellent resource for collectors interested in the Taos Moderns. The book contains information on de La Noë as well.